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City Council Agenda 03-10-2011
“Know Your Rights Under the Open Meeting Law, M.G.L. Councillor 39 §23B, and
City Ordinance Sections 2-2028 through 2-2033.”

A Regular Meeting of the City Council held in the Council Chamber on Thursday,

March 10, 2011 at 7:00 P.M., for the purpose of transacting any and all business.  Notice of
this meeting was posted on March 4, 2011 at 9:27 P.M.  This meeting is being taped and is

live on S.A.T.V.   

       Absent were:

       Council President Ryan presided.

Councillor                      moved to dispense with the reading of the record of the previous meeting.


 President Ryan requested that everyone please rise to recite the Pledge of Allegiance.

Public Testimony not to exceed 15 minutes
Name must be on roster 30 minutes prior to meeting
Agenda items only




Mayor’s appointment of Jamie Metsch to serve as a member on the Zoning Board of Appeals with a term to expire on May 1, 2013

COUNCILLOR                              sus. of rules           COUNCILLOR                      obj.


Action contemplated

COUNCILLOR                      Moved Confirmation by RCV       YEAS         NAYS         ABS           


Mayor’s appointment of the following to serve as Constables with the following terms to expire

        Gerardo Spagnuolo, 6 Esquire Dr., Peabody               Term to Expire:  February 11, 2012
        Garcia Linton, 109 Mason St., Salem                     Term to Expire:  February 25, 2012

Action contemplated

COUNCILLOR                      Moved Received and Filed                                        Voted


Transfer of $63,054.20 from “Human Resources – Collective Bargaining Reserve” to the following Fire Department accounts:

Fire – Full Time Salaries               $22,560.92
Fire – FF Recognition Stipend   $27,500.00
Fire – Full Time Salaries – Retro  $6,768.28
Fire – EMT                                $3,750.00
Fire – 1st Responder              $2,475.00
Total                                   $63,054.20

Action contemplated

COUNCILLOR                      Moved Adoption or Ref. to Committee                     Voted
                                        On Admin. & Finance


Appr. of $7,500.00 from “Fund Balance – Free Cash” to the following Veterans Accounts:

Veterans – Veterans Day         $2,000.00
Veterans – Ground Maintenance   $5,500.00
Total                                           $7,500.00

COUNCILLOR                      sus. of rules           COUNCILLOR                              Obj.

Action contemplated

Ref. to Admin. & Finance                        or              Adopted
Under rules


ORDER: Authorize the Mayor to enter into a new five year lease agreement with RCG for the lease of municipal office space commencing April 1, 2011.

Action contemplated

COUNCILLOR                      Moved Approval     RCV    YEAS  NAYS            ABS


Communication from the Mayor with update from the Parking Study Working Group regarding their recommendations to submitted at the next Council meeting in order to discuss with Council members whose districts will be most impacted.

Action contemplated

COUNCILLOR                              Moved Receive & File                            Voted


Councillor McCarthy

ORDER: Year to Date Budget Report dated January 31, 2011 be referred to Committee on Administration & Finance.

Action contemplated

COUNCILLOR McCarthy                     Moved Approval                                  Voted


Councillor Lovely

ORDER:  That the Tag Day Application for Salem High School Boys Lacrosse to be held on March 19, 2011 be granted

Action contemplated

COUNCILLOR  Lovely                      Moved Approval                                  Voted


Councillor Pinto

ORDER: Committee on Public Health, Safety & Environment meet to discuss the status of hiring of a Health Agent.

Action contemplated

COUNCILLOR Pinto                        Moved Approval                                  Voted


councillor Ryan

ORDER: Raise the Irish Flag at Riley Plaza on March 15, 16 & 17th, 2011 in honor of St. Patrick’s Day.

Action contemplated

COUNCILLOR Ryan                 Moved Approval                                  Voted


Councillor Ronan

ORDINANCE amending Traffic, Ch. 42 Sec. 50B, Handicap Parking in front of #55 Linden Street.

Action contemplated

COUNCILLOR Ronan                        Moved Adoption for first passage                        Voted



COUNCILLOR Lovely offered the following report for the Committee on Ordinances, Licenses and Legal Affairs regarding granting certain licenses

SECOND HAND             Re-Find, 72 Washington St., Salem       

Accept the report                                       Voted

Adopt the recommendation                        Voted


COUNCILLOR Lovely offered the following report for the Committee on Ordinances, Licenses and Legal Affairs regarding a hearing on the denial of a taxi operator license Evangelis Rodriguez

Accept the report                                       Voted

Adopt the recommendation                        Voted


COUNCILLOR McCarthy offered the following report for the Committee on Administration and Finance  co-posted with the Committee of the Whole regarding an ordinance relative to Compensation for the Mayor – That the compensation remain the same               

                                                Accept the Report                                       Voted

                                                Adopt the recommendation                        Voted


COUNCILLOR McCarthy offered the following report for the Committee on Administration and Finance co-posted with the Committee of the Whole regarding an ordinance relative to Compensation for the School Committee – That the school committee’s compensation be tied to the Mayor’s compensation at 6% and refer the matter to the committee on Ord., Lic. & Legal Affairs to amend the ordinance

                                                Accept the Report                                       Voted

                                                Adopt the recommendation                        Voted


COUNCILLOR  McCarthy offered the following report for the Committee on Administration and Finance  regarding the Revolving Account for Winter Island

Accept the report                                       Voted

Adopt the recommendation                        Voted


COUNCILLOR  McCarthy offered the following report for the Committee on Administration and Finance regarding monthly and/or year to date financial reports

Accept the report                                       Voted

Adopt the recommendation                        Voted





Communication from Nicholas Zakos, owner of Second Hand Valuable License for Salem Used Furniture, 107 Bridge St. informing Council of Store Closing

Action contemplated

COUNCILLOR Lovely                       Moved Receive & Place on File                   Voted


Request from Wicked Running Club to hold a road race on Friday, July 15, 2011 at 8:00 P.M. and use of City Streets

Action contemplated

COUNCILLOR                      Moved Approval                                          Voted


The Following Licenses:

PUBLIC GUIDES           Tim Maguire, 127 Essex St., Salem
                                Peter White, 28 High St., Salem

TAG DAYS                        SHS Acapella Group, April 2, 2011
                                SHS Boys Lacrosse, April 10, 2011
                                SHS Jazz Band, April 16, 2011
                                SHS Best Buddies Club, April 30, 2011 and May 1, 2011
                                SHS Percussion & Colorguard, May 14, 2011
                                SHS Boys Lacrosse, May 15, 2011

Action contemplated

COUNCILLOR                      Moved Ref. to the Comm. on Ord.,                VOTED
                                        Licenses & Legal Affairs



The following licenses:

TAXI OPERATORS          Scott Boyle, 9 Perkins St. A-1L, Gloucester
                                Erickson Thompson, 2 Perkins St., Peabody
                                Dijwar Sheikhou, 50 Perkins St., Salem
                                Thomas Alley, 27 Webb St., Salem
                                Peter Jermyn, 10 High St., Salem
                                Robert Ruest, 6 Dustin St., Peabody
                                Robert Latulippe, 7G Central Ct., Beverly
                                John Kozlowski, 13 Silver St., Salem    

Action contemplated

COUNCILLOR                      Moved Granted                                           Voted


The following Drainlayer/Contract Operator Licenses:

                                D’Alelio Construction Co., 51 Lewis Road, Swampscott

Action contemplated

COUNCILLOR                      Moved Granted                                           Voted



The following Claims:
                                Michael Duffy & Elizabeth Gruenfeld, 1 Warren Ct., Salem
                                Gail Blanchard, 100 North St., Salem
                                Ruth Suber, 73 Broad St., Lynn
                                Katherine Tufts, 13 Carlton St., Salem
                                Ariele Goldman & Timothy Donlan, 14 Whalers Ln, Salem
                                Verizon, P.O. Box 60770, Oklahoma City, OK
                                Verizon, P.O. Box 60770, Oklahoma City, OK
                                Derek Androvett, 13R Main St., Peabody

SUBROGATED              Atty. George Atkins (for Carmen Lopez), 59 Federal St., Salem

Action contemplated

COUNCILLOR                      Moved Refer to Comm. on Ord.,
                                        Licenses & Legal Affairs                                Voted

The Following Bonds:

CONSTABLE               Gerardo Spagnuolo, 6 Esquire Dr., Peabody       
                                Garcia Linton, 109 Mason St., Salem     

Action contemplated

COUNCILLOR                      Moved Refer to Comm. on Ord.                            Voted
                                           Licenses & Legal Affairs and Return Approved



SECOND PASSAGE ORDINANCE of an Ordinance amending an Ordinance relative to Elected Officials receiving compensation from city after termination or resignation from office Ch. 2
Sec. 2-278

Action contemplated

COUNCILLOR                      Moved Adoption for second & final passage               Voted

        On the motion of COUNCILLOR                              the meeting adjourned at                 P.M.